Axiata Group Berhad | Annual Report 2016
Communication with Shareholders and Investors
The Board acknowledges the importance of an effective communication
channel between the Board, stakeholders, institutional investors and the
investing public at large to provide a clear and complete picture of the
Group’s performance and position as much as possible. The Company
is fully committed in maintaining high standards in the dissemination of
relevant and material information on the development of the Group in its
commitment to maintain effective, comprehensive, timely and continuing
disclosure. There has also been strong emphasis on the importance of
timely and equitable dissemination of information. Disclosures of corporate
proposals and/or financial results are made not only in compliance with
the Main LR but also include additional items through media releases and
are done on a voluntary basis. Whilst efforts are made to provide as much
relevant and material information as possible to the shareholders and
stakeholders, the Board is cognisant of the legal and regulatory framework
governing the release of materials and sensitive information so as not to
mislead the shareholders. Therefore, information that is price-sensitive or
may be regarded as undisclosed material information about the Group, is
not disclosed to any party until it is already in the public domain through
Axiata uses a number of formal channels to account to shareholders and
stakeholders; particularly-
Annual Report
The Annual Report is a major channel of communication disclosing
information not only on the Group’s business, financials and other key
activities but also additional information such as strategies, operations,
performance, challenges and its management. The Board places great
importance on the content of the Annual Report to ensure the accuracy
of the information as the Annual Report is a vital source of information
for investors, shareholders and the general public. The working
committee comprising SLT and personnel from various divisions plays a
meaningful role to ensure accuracy of information and full compliance
with relevant regulatory requirements. The contents of the Annual
Report are continuously enhanced to take into account development,
amongst others, corporate governance. At the Board level, the Board
Annual Report Committee, chaired by the BAC Chairman, oversees the
production of the Annual Report and reviews its contents before it is
The Annual Report is also printed in summary form together with
a digital version of the Annual Report in CD-ROM format. An online
version of the Annual Report is also available on Axiata’s own
corporate website. Since 2014, Axiata has also made available a fully
digitised version of its Annual Report and Sustainability and National
Contribution Report, both of which can be downloaded for free at
Apple App Store and Google Play on both iOs and Android.
The complete printed versions of the Annual Report is provided to
shareholders upon request. Details on the request for printed copy are
provided in the summary of the Annual Report. Our Share Registrar will
ensure that the printed copies reach the shareholders within four days
from receipt of written request. The shareholders may also submit their
request online via the Share Registrar’s website at
Announcements to Bursa Securities
Announcement of quarterly financial results, circulars and various
announcements are made via Bursa LINK in full compliance with
regulatory authorities’ disclosure requirements. The same is also
made available on Axiata’s own corporate website. Prior to its release,
announcements intended for Bursa Securities are subject to review
and approval by the President & GCEO, GCFO, BAC or the Board, to
ensure that the announcement fulfills the disclosure requirements as
well as meets what is intended by management. In a few instances,
announcements are also reviewed by external advisors to ensure
that its contents are accurate and complete taking into consideration
disclosure requirements and market perspectives.
Filings and announcements to Bursa Securities are available online at
Media Releases
Media releases are provided to the media on all significant corporate
developments and business initiatives to keep the investing community
and shareholders updated on the Group’s developments. Media releases
are subject to approval by the President & GCEO and whenever
necessary, released to Bursa Securities to increase the visibility of
media releases.
Primary contact for Corporate Communications:-
Saffura Chinniah
+6032263 8881
+6032278 7755
info@axiata.comPostal Address: Corporate Headquarters, Axiata Tower, 9 Jalan Stesen
Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur
Media releases are available online at
Quarterly Results and Analyst Briefings
Axiata holds analyst results briefings chaired by the President &
GCEO and GCFO immediately after each announcement of quarterly
results to Bursa Securities. These briefings are normally conducted via
conference calls and attended by senior management of major OpCos
as an avenue to provide dialogue between fund managers and research
analysts with the Group’s Senior Management as well as provide a
platform for analysts and fund managers to receive a balanced and
complete view of the Group’s performance. The holding of analyst calls
immediately after the release of the results is aimed to facilitate timely
publication and/or dissemination of analysts’ reports to the investing
community. Materials intended for analysts briefings are made available
immediately after the release of the financial results.
This equitable policy is not only prevalent to financial affairs but also
extended to major and/or strategic transactions such as the acquisition
of Ncell Pvt Ltd, Robi-Airtel Bangladesh merger, collaboration with TM
and acquisition by edotco Group of Digicel Myanmar Tower Company
(renamed edotco Myanmar Limited). Audiocasts of the presentation of
these transactions were also made available on Axiata’s website.
Presentation materials and audiocasts to analysts are available online at
http://axiata.com/investor/ir-presentationSTATEMENT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE