Access our Digital Annual Report 2016
and Sustainability Report 2016 on
www.axiata.comDownload the App on
Towards a Digital and Greener Future
Axiata is increasingly committed towards a digital and
greener future as we transition ourselves into a New
Generation Digital Champion, where digitalisation is a priority.
We strive to apply this in all areas of our business, including
the way we present our Annual and Sustainability Reports to
our shareholders and stakeholders.
Each year, close to 6000 readers accessed our reports on
digital platforms through the web and App downloads. This
is well over three times the number of printed copies. In
our efforts to further digitalise our ecosystem, whilst being
mindful of our carbon footprint, we continue to expand our
digital reports.
For these reasons, we have reduced our printed Annual
Report by 100 pages in being more efficient with the layout
and in using less photos. Further to this, we have used
environmentally friendly paper and have reduced the use
of colour printing by going black and white with this Annual
Report. Incorporating these changes, we have remained
uncompromising on our required disclosure and content.
For multimedia rich content of these reports, please visit