notes to tHe FinanCial stateMents
For tHe FinanCial Year ended 31 deCeMBer 2010
during the financial year, the Group had also made certain reclassifications to comparatives to conform
with current year presentation. The change in presentation results in the financial statements providing
more relevant information about the effects of the transactions on the Group's financial performance and
(b) Improvement to FrS 117 ­ Leases
Leasehold land is classified as a finance lease if the Group has substantially all the risks and rewards
incidental to ownership. Previously, leasehold land was classified as an operating lease unless title is
expected to pass to the lessee at the end of the lease term. Following the amendment to FrS 117,
the classification of leasehold land has been changed from operating to finance lease and from
prepaid lease. The effect of the change is adjusted for retrospectively as disclosed in note 38(e) to
the financial statements.
Income from rental of towers of the Group is now classified as part of operating revenue as the
Group considers the business of leased towers and leased lines as arising in the course of the
ordinary activities of the Group. Comparative information has been restated as disclosed in note
38(e) to the financial statements.
(d) deferred taxes
deferred taxes in respect of a subsidiary were previously recognised as deferred tax assets. This has
been reclassified to off-set against deferred tax liabilities as they relate to the same entity.
Comparative information is restated accordingly, as disclosed in note 38(e) to the financial
pg 276
annual report 2010
Axiata Group Berhad
(242188-H) ·