sUMMarY oF aCtiVities oF tHe BaC
Held three private meetings with the External
Auditors on 23 February 2010, 27 May 2010 and
during the FY10, the BAC discharged its functions
24 August 2010 without the presence of
and carried out its duties as set out in the Tor.
management and Internal Audit.
Key activities undertaken by the BAC include
Reviewed the performance of the External
the following:
Auditors and made recommendations to the
Board for their re-appointment and remuneration.
risks and Controls
An enterprise risk committee called `Axiata Risk
Financial reporting
Management Committee' was formed in 2010 to
Reviewed the Quarterly and Annual Financial
enhance the identification and management of
Statements including announcements, taking
existing and emerging major business risks within
into consideration the external audit findings
the Group. A revised enterprise risk management
framework, based on ISo 31000-2009, was also
and recommendations, and recommended
introduced in 2010 that will be further enhanced
them to the Board for their approval. The
in 2011 from learnings of 2010.
reviews, together with discussions with the
The Group's major business risks and remedial
external Auditors, were to ensure the financial
actions were reported and deliberated at the
reporting and disclosures are in compliance with
BAC each quarter; a summary of which was
the provisions of the Companies Act 1965,
reported to the Board.
Main Lr and applicable accounting and FrS
standards in Malaysia.
internal audit
Reviewed the cashflow assumptions and working
Reviewed and approved the Group Internal Audit
papers on a quarterly basis in order to determine
(GIA) Annual Business Plan inclusive of Budget
the recoverability of some of the major assets,
and resourcing plan. The Audit Plan was prepared
one of which led to the Idea impairment.
using a `risk-based' approach and ensures that
adequate and competent resources are available
annual reporting
to carry out the audit plan, especially in the
Reviewed and recommended Statement on
areas or entities with high risks.
Corporate Governance, Statement on Internal
Reviewed internal audit reports issued by GIA on
Control and the BAC report to the Board
the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of risk
for approval.
management, operational and compliance issues,
Reviewed on a quarterly basis the related party
and governance processes across the Group.
transactions entered into by Axiata pursuant to
Reviewed the adequacy, effectiveness and
shareholders mandate on rrPT procured at the
timeliness of actions taken by management to
18th AGM of the Company held on 22 June 2010
resolve material issues raised by the internal
and the reporting of these transactions in the
audit reports across the Group.
2010 Annual report.
Reviewed the effectiveness of internal audit
processes and the resources allocated to
the audits.
Reviewed and approved Axiata Audit Charter;
Assessed the performance of GIA against the
Reviewed status of resolution of external and
internal scorecard as approved by the BAC.
internal audit issues every quarter;
Reviewed current matters in relation to
external audit
compliance with legal, regulatory and statutory
Adopted a collaborative approach in working
with the external Auditors.
Identi ed cases of control weaknesses for sharing
Reviewed and approved the External Audit Plan
of lessons learnt within the Group to avoid similar
including the scope and fee for the annual audit.
incidents; and
Reviewed the results of the external audit
and reported issues arising from their audits of
the quarterly and annual accounts, made
recommendations to the Board for the
implementation of remedial actions where
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