FeBrUarY 1994
oCtoBer 1996
MaY 1998
A joint venture agreement was
TMIB (now known as robi)
TMI via TM purchased 51%
entered into between TMI and
was  incorporated  in
of  Cambodia  Samart
Sunpower Systems (Private)
Bangladesh as a joint venture
Communication Company
Limited to set up dialog (then
company between A.K. Khan
Limited (Casacom) (now
known as MTn).
& Co. Ltd. and TM.
known  as  HACL)  from
noVeMBer 1996
Sunpower Systems (Private)
Limited divested its stake in
MTn (now known as dialog)
to TMI, which resulted in
dialog becoming wholly-
owned by TMI.
JanUarY 2005
aUGUst 2005
TMI through TMIL (now known as
TMI, Khazanah and SunShare (now
AIL) acquired the entire equity
known as Axiata Singapore)
interest of Indocel (now known as
entered into a joint venture and
Axiata Indonesia), which had a
shareholders' agreement to
23.1% equity interest in XL.
establish SunShare as a joint
venture company for the acquisition
of equity interest in M1.
FeBrUarY 2005
TMI through TMIL entered into a
septeMBer 2005
share sale agreement to acquire a
78% stake in Multinet from nasser
A restated joint venture and
Khan Ghazi and Adnan Asdar.
shareholders' agreement was
entered into by SunShare, TMI,
Khazanah and TM as a new
JUne 2005
party to the earlier agreement
Indocel acquired an additional 4.2%
to participate in the affairs
equity interest in XL from rogan
of SunShare.
Partners, Inc.
septeMBer 2005
JUlY 2005
XL was listed on the Jakarta Stock
dialog was listed on the Colombo
exchange (now known as the
Stock exchange.
Indonesia Stock exchange).
1. TMIL changed its name to Axiata Investments (Labuan)
Limited (AIL) w.e.f. 28 June 2010
2. Indocel changed its name to Axiata Investments (Indonesia)
Sdn Bhd (Axiata Indonesia) w.e.f. 6 July 2010
3. Sunshare changed its name to Axiata Investments
(Singapore) Limited (Axiata Singapore) w.e.f. 4 June 2010
pg 34