Towards Sustainability
Axiata Group Berhad
The Central Environmental Authority (CEA) recognised
this initiative with an E-waste Award in 2010. Dialog has
also partnered with 13 other companies operating in Sri
Lanka and the CEA to launch a National E-Waste
Management Programme that will monitor the disposal of
hazardous E-Waste in Sri Lanka.
Dialog plans to take this initiative one step further by
increasing publ ic awareness on effect ive waste
management practices. Through this awareness campaign,
Dialog hopes to encourage more people to dispose of
their mobile phones and batteries in an environmentally-
friendly manner. Dialog targets to have 350 collection
points by 2014.
The Emergence of Green Committees across
Beyond the mainframe of our network energy efficiencies
and adoption of renewable technologies, Axiata and its
OpCos are doing their part in creating awareness of
climate change within their organisations and communities.
Green Committees have been established at Axiata and
its OpCos. These committees are tasked with raising
awareness among the employees on better utilisation of
energy, water and paper resources.
On a global scale, climate change poses the biggest
cha l l enge t o s oc i e t i e s and bu s i ne s s e s . The
telecommunications industry we operate in is not spared
of these challenges. We hope that in doing our part in
running an environmentally responsible operation at
every level , we wi l l be doing our part in l imiting
environmental damage.