Business Review (cont'd.)
first company to introduce metro Ethernet in major cities of Pakistan
The first independent Long distance and international operator
to operate in all 14 telecom regions of Pakistan with self owned fibre
first to launch a 5000 km long nationwide fibre
connectivity project
Multinet offers a wide range of non-mobile
wherever and whenever it is needed. it is committed
telecommunications services with its focus on Business
towards opening the world of technology and global
to Business (B2B) segment of the market. Multinet, a
connectivity by offering services such as high speed
facility based operator with a 100.0% digital Fibre Optic
data, internet, video transmission and other broadband
network spread across Pakistan, supports fibre-optic
applications, enriching connectivity standards and making
connectivity, Long distance international (Ldi)
Pakistan a part of the global village.
originations/terminations, and co-location services. it is
committed to developing innovative managed services
solutions domestically and globally to meet the needs of
For the financial year ended 31 december 2008, the
its Carrier and Enterprise business partners.
company delivered a significant increase in total
revenue to PKR588.5 million compared to PKR345.5
Multinet has recently launched its iP-VPN service based
million in 2007, a yoy increase of over 70.0%. yoy
on MPLs technology and state-of-the-art collocation
EBiTdA saw an increase to PKR40.0 million in 2008
and disaster Recovery centres.
from negative EBiTdA of PKR13.5 million recorded in
2007. Multinet further achieved the milestone of
Today, Multinet has successfully built clientele which
recording profitability for the first time in 2008 of
includes some of the largest global carriers as well as the
PKR0.9 million. in the previous year, the company
top 200 enterprises operating in Pakistan. Multinet's
recorded a loss of PKR36.6 million.
array of services enable real-time information exchange
Axiata Group Berhad
Annual Report 2008
(formerly known as TM international Berhad)