Corporate Centre
Performance Management
The Group is committed to attract and
A Corporate Centre has been established
retain competent, dedicated and loyal
employees. Programmes and initiatives
-  protect and oversee the interest of
have been undertaken to ensure that the
Axiata and its shareholders across the
Group's human capital is equipped with
the qualities and skills to drive the Group
-  formulate strategy for the Group and
to greater heights through ongoing
assist in the implementation; and
emphasis on performance management
-  play an advisory role to add value to
and employee development.
the Group at varying engagement
The Group has in place a process of
Besides engaging continuous day-to-day
implementing the Key Performance
communication between subsidiaries and
Indicator (KPI) System as prescribed under
the Government-Linked Companies
the Group functions, Corporate Centre
Transformation (GLCT) programme to link
also gives appropriate input on group best
performance and compensation in order
practices and constant sharing of the Group
to create a high performance work culture.
guidelines and best strategies to minimise
This system also seeks to provide clarity,
risk exposure and increase the efficiency
transparency and consistency in planning,
and effectiveness of business operations.
reviewing, evaluating and aligning
employee actions and behaviours to that
1.4 Assignment of Authority and
of the Group's vision and mission.
Training and Development Framework
Policies and Procedures
It is the Group's policy to train employees
The Group has documented policies and
at all levels in order that they should be
procedures that are regularly reviewed
able to perform competently in their
and updated to ensure that it maintains
present jobs and also to train those
its effectiveness and continues to support
employees who are considered to have
the organisation's business activities at all
the potential to perform duties with wider
times as the organisation continues to
responsibilities so that they may be ready
grow. These policies are supported by
to assume them when needed. Programmes
clearly defined delegated authorities for
are also implemented to ensure that
employees receive continuous training in
its operating and capital expenditures,
various areas of work such as knowledge
business plan and budget, and procurement
health and safety, technical training,
of goods and services.
leadership and functional development.
1.5 Commitment to Competency
There is a process in place for the
Competency Framework
identification of the corporate talent pool
The Group appoints employees of the
within the organisation and to manage the
necessary competencies to ensure that
development of the potential talent. A
the people driving key operations are
Corporate Policy is also in place to ensure
sufficiently skilled and exert the required
that the President and GCEO and top
qualities of professional integrity in their
management succession planning is in