Profile of Directors (cont'd.)
David Lau Nai Pek
Gita Irawan Wirjawan
Age 56, malaysian
Age 43, Indonesian
Appointed to the Board on 23 April 2008
Appointed to the Board on 24 march 2008
Independent Non-Executive Director
Independent Non-Executive Director
Chairman, Board Audit Committee
member, Board Nomination Committee, Board Remuneration
Committee and Employee Share option Scheme Committee
gita is currently the Senior Adviser for South East
David has over 35 years of professional experience in
Asia for jP morgan. Prior to that, he was Senior
finance and leading financial organisations in various
Country officer for jP morgan Indonesia. he was
locations in Australia, Brunei, China, malaysia,
previously the Senior Vice President for International
New zealand, the Netherlands and the united
Business Development at Singapore Technologies
kingdom. he has served the Shell group for
Telemedia Pte Ltd. he was previously a senior banker
27 years in various capacities. Prior to his retirement
at goldman Sachs and Citibank. he is also active in
at the end of December 2008, he was the
public service in Indonesia. he is a member of the
Vice-President Finance, Shell International Exploration
Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and is on the
and Production B.V., The hague, the Netherlands.
Indonesian President's biodiesel/renewable energy
David is a chartered accountant by profession and
associate member of the New zealand Society of
gita holds a masters of Public Administration degree
Accountants and a member of the malaysian Institute
from the kennedy School of government, harvard
of Accountants. David obtained his Bachelor of
university, united States where he was also a mason
Commerce degree from the university of Canterbury,
Fellow. he also has an mBA from Baylor university,
New zealand.
united States, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Business Administration from the university of Texas,
he is a Director of Celcom, a public company in the
united States. he is also Certified Public Accountant
and a Chartered Financial Analyst.
he attended 7 out of 10 Board meetings held during
gita does not hold any other directorships in any
the financial year after his appointment.
other public company.
he attended 8 out of 10 Board meetings held during
the financial year after his appointment.
Axiata group Berhad
Annual Report 2008
(formerly known as Tm International Berhad)